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How to Get Good Gear in Hypixel Skyblock UPDATED

How to Get Good Gear in Hypixel Skyblock


The best Items in Hypixel SkyBlock

The best Items in Hypixel SkyBlock

Observe out what are the all-time Items of each major particular blazon in Hypixel Skyblock

The All-time Items in Hypixel SkyBlock
Weapons, Armors, Accessories, and More


It is no clandestine that some items are better than others. Oftentimes, multiple pieces are designed to practise more than or less the same thing and the difference between them is rather minor; In this example, the pick betwixt them is up to preference. Sometimes, however, a "minor" difference - a more polarized stat distribution or an additional passive consequence - makes one item insanely skillful and others quite redundant or just bad in comparison. This commodity will highlight things that make the gear pieces great and explore the best items in Hypixel SkyBlock.

Important Annotation:  By "the best" nosotros oft mean "the about useful", and nosotros consider the toll and the popularity as well, so some of the picks might surprise you. If we've picked only the strongest stuff stat-wise, the list would exist dull as a dishwasher, and then we've mixed up the best end-game gear with some powerful early on and mid-game items.

The All-time Melee Weapons

Undead Sword
Undead Sword

Stats and Special Effects

  • Damage - thirty
  • Strength -  none
  • Boosted Effect - Deals +100% Damage to Zombie Pigmen, Zombies, Skeletons, and Withers
  • Special Ability -none

You might exist very surprised to run into this on the list, but it is here for a very good reason - yous only tin can't get anything better, or more reliable in that cost range, early on in the game. Information technology is also the most pop starting weapon, at least amongst players who know a thing or two almost the game. Because of this, Undead Sword deserves at least an honorable mention.

Undead Sword is a very cheap and extremely handy early game weapon equally it deals +100% bonus Impairment confronting undead monsters. Thank you to its effect, it also benefits a lot from Reforges and Enchantments. You will never ever get a weapon with a better price to operation value than this ane, but its overall power level makes information technology viable only for the early on game.

Raider Axe
Raider Axe

Stats and Special Furnishings

  • Harm - 80 Base/ 115 Maximum
  • Forcefulness - fifty Base of operations/ 150 Maximum
  • Additional Effect - Raider Axe has iii:
    • Defeating Monsters grants you 20 Coins (only works for Monsters of level 10 and above)
    • Every 500 Kills increases the Weapon's Impairment by one (capped at +35)
    • Each 500 Wood in Collections increases the Weapon's Force bonus past ane (Capped at +100)
  • Special Ability -none

Different the Undead Sword, we remember that this i objectively deserves a place on the list considering it is a neat value for coin (and it will eventually pay itself off considering of its issue, theoretically at least; information technology would take quite a lot of frags if y'all bought an enchanted i on the AH). Maxed-out Raider Axe is a formidable mid-game weapon that direct competes with much more expensive options. Its main downside is the number of Forest that has to be nerveless to boost its Strength.

This is a powerful (for its price) and quite interesting Weapon as information technology becomes stronger the longer you utilise it (and by "utilise" we hateful "apply for its intended purpose"...). In one case maxed out*, Raider Axe has quite impressive stats, but maxing it out volition accept some time (doing it yourself is not a bad idea, in the early on game at to the lowest degree, because you gain xx Coins for each Kill which adds up surprisingly apace. It is also considerably cheaper than purchasing one on the AH).

*To max out the Raider Axe's stats, you will accept to make 17500 Kills with it (at this betoken, yous would also proceeds a total of 350k Coins from its Special Issue) and have 50000 Woods (of any type) in your Collections.

Livid Dagger
Livid Dagger

Stats and Special Effects

  • Damage - 210
  • Strength -  60
  • Intelligence -none
  • Disquisitional Take chances - 100%
  • Disquisitional Damage - 50%
  • Attack Speed -100%
  • Special Ability - Throw
    • You tin throw this Dagger at your Enemies. This has a 5 seconds Cooldown and costs 150 mana.
    • Your Critical Hits fabricated from behind the target deal 100% more harm.

This is a weapon that has overthrown the mighty Midas' Sword in patch and became the most powerful weapon in the game for some fourth dimension. Equally yous probably know, it was quite heavily nerfed since then. Nowadays, in that location are quite a few better choices, but Livid Dagger still remains competitive and has the great do good of being rather easy to obtain.

Livid Dagger is valued among players because of its high Critical Chance and amazing Bonus Set on Speed. Its Throw Ability is likewise well-nigh universally praised as it makes it extremely very flexible because you can deal respectable ranged damage with it, making it cracking for overcoming difficult situations. These properties make it 1 of the most used Weapons in mid-floor dungeons.

Midas Staff
Midas Staff

Stats and Special Effects

  • Damage - 130
  • Strength -  150
  • Intelligence - 50
  • Critical Risk -none
  • Critical Damage -none
  • Additional Consequence -Greed - Ability Impairment of this Item scales with the price that was paid for it on the Dark Auction; The max bonus equals 16000, accomplished by paying at least 100kk Coins for it (this upshot kicks in only on Dark Auctions and will not trigger from regular AH auctions).
  • Special Ability - Molten Wave
    • Y'all cast a wave of molten gold in the direction you lot're facing, dealing up to ~16000 - 32000 Damage. This has a 1-second Cooldown and costs 500 Mana to use.

While rather expensive for what it does, the Midas Staff is praised for the amazing Ability that makes information technology one of the most damaging Mage weapons you can get in Hypixel SkyBlock.

Midas Staff finds itself a spot on the list considering of its Molten Wave that deals extremely loftier amounts of AoE Damage and has a very short cooldown of ane second. The only thing that holds it dorsum is the high mana cost of 500 - Midas Staff benefits of high Int builds because of that. If you like playing equally a Mage, you almost likely accept and apply it or actually want to have it; and this is enough reason to name it one of the best weapons in the game.

Emerald Blade
Emerald Blade*

Stats and Special Furnishings

  • Damage - 130 Base of operations / potentially infinite max
  • Strength -  none
  • Intelligence -none
  • Disquisitional Chance -none
  • Critical Damage -none
  • Additional Upshot - The more Coins you deport in your purse, the more Damage this Weapon deals.
  • Special Ability -none

*Merely only if you are filthy rich. If you carry 1kk coins, Emerald Blade has 209 Damage. 10kk makes it 270 Damage, 100kk - 380 Damage, 1kkk (1 Billion Coins) - 574 Damage... it can get ridiculous, but getting plenty Coins might be rather tricky to achieve.

Emerald Blade has, unlike all other Weapons, a potentially unlimited Damage potential (it tin can 1-shot any boss in the game... theoretically). In reality, though, it is only a solid weapon that becomes amazing if you lot have more money than sense (don't forget your Piggy Depository financial institution or other money-protecting means).  Information technology besides has one of the best impairment to price ratios in the game if you are rich, which is somewhat funny as y'all demand only ~300k to make information technology simply over 100kk Coins to warrant using it.

Fun Fact: If you accept ix.8kk Coins in your pocket, the Emerald Blade volition take the 50kk Midas Sword's Damage.

Aspect of the End
Aspect of the End

Stats and Special Effects

  • Impairment - 100 Base of operations (175 while wearing full Stiff Dragon Set up)
  • Force - 100
  • Intelligence -none
  • Critical Hazard -none
  • Critical Impairment -none
  • Additional Upshot -none
  • Special Ability -Instant Transmission
    • Instantly teleport eight Blocks ahead of you and proceeds +fifty Speed for iii seconds (speed heave value and its duration do non stack). This Ability has no cooldown and costs l mana.

AotD gets a place on the listing non because of its amazing damage but because of its amazing Item Ability. It lets y'all get to otherwise unreachable places and tin can even permit y'all to "fly" if you have enough mana.

Aspect of the Finish is an iconic slice of weaponry and every SkyBlock actor has (or wants to take) one, if not for its respectable statistics and then for its Instant Transmission ability. It is one of the items you keep on you at all times considering the advantage they provide just can't be passed upward. Having a basic AotD for the ability and another weapon for gainsay is a very mutual practice among Hypixel SkyBlock players.

Note: If y'all were to utilise it equally your primary weapon, with the Warped Reforge, maxed-out Enderman Pet, a total Stiff Dragon Set, and potato books, then it would exist possible to boost it upwardly to ~420 Damage and 295 Forcefulness (but only for a few seconds after using the Instant Manual), however, there are cheaper and stronger options.


Stats and Special Furnishings

  • Damage - 293 Base/ 343 Max
  • Strength - 150
  • Ferocity - xxx
  • Intelligence - 400 Base/ 500 Max
  • Critical Chance -none
  • Disquisitional Damage -none
  • Additional Effect -Multiple:
    • Deals +fifty% Bonus Damage to Withers
    • Grants +1 Damage per Catacombs Level
    • Grants +2 Intelligence per Catacombs Level
  • Special Ability - none Base, but Necron'south Blade Scrolls Scrolls can add abilities to it; the most pop one is:
    • Wither Impact -Y'all Teleport 10 Blocks ahead of yous and implode dealing 10000 Damage to all nearby enemies (~10 blocks range). This as well applies the Wither Shield scroll ability, granting an Absorption Shield and reducing damage taken for five seconds. It costs 250 mana.

As of correct now, it is the strongest overall weapon in Hypixel Skyblock, and the ane everybody wants but only a select few tin can beget (as it is also one of the most expensive items in the game). When upgraded with the Wither Bear upon, Hyperion becomes an ultimate version of the AotD, which is loved for its ability.

This Legendary Sword is i of four refined variants of the Necron's Blade. It provides an extremely high bonus to Intelligence (a maximum of +500) which makes it platonic for a Mage (peculiarly if the Wither Impact Scroll combo is used on information technology - then information technology becomes the best Mage weapon available), quite a high Strength bonus of +150, +30 Ferocity, and tin have up to +343 Damage.

Note: Hyperion easily makes information technology to the list equally the best of 4 refined Necron's Blades which are the ultimate weapons of SkyBlock currently (technically, Valkyrie deals more than impairment, but it does non provide Intelligence, which makes it much worse when paired with Wither Affect). We take decided to not feature the other three Necron'south Blades every bit they are much less popular (because they are more of a "specialist" weapons).

The Best Bows

End Stone Bow
Finish Stone Bow

Stats and Special Furnishings

  • Damage - 140
  • Strength -  none
  • Intelligence -none
  • Additional Event -  none
  • Special Ability -Extreme Focus:
    • Consumes all of your mana and makes your side by side Hit deal additional Harm equal to the corporeality of mana consumed. The Power is usable again after you lot land a hit with the Extreme Focus active.

This is one of the strongest Bows you can become early and information technology is amazing for its toll. If yous are looking for a ranged weapon that is actually worth using in the early game, hither it is.

Cease Stone Bow's Farthermost Focus ability makes it a rather interesting weapon.  It will let you one-shot a lot of early game monsters, including ones you would rather not get as well close to. Moreover, if you were to put all your eggs in ane handbasket and went with a max Intelligence build, then it would striking for unbelievably loftier damage, only information technology would also drain all your mana in the process. As information technology stands, End Stone Bow is not bad in the early on game and can fifty-fifty be used as a cheap substitute to Runaan's Bow, just much stronger options available equally you progress through the game (like the mentioned Runaan's Bow).

Note: To balance the damage of Extreme Focus, the bonus is applied afterward all other impairment boosters are calculated.

Super Undead Bow
Super Undead Bow

Stats and Special Effects

  • Damage - 220
  • Strength -  none
  • Intelligence -none
  • Additional Effect -  It has two:
    • Super Undead Bow deals +100% Harm to Undead Monsters.
    • Your arrows accept a 25% take chances to bounce to another target afterwards hitting an enemy.
  • Special Ability - none

Super Undead Bow is a sweet spot between the weaker Undead Bow and the stronger Decease Bow. It is likewise the best value, in the early game, out of the 3, so it makes the listing.

If you are looking for a solid ranged weapon that will let you deal with undead without ruining your finances, Super Undead Bow is a great choice. Information technology deals very high harm to its preferred targets and its bounciness ability greatly increases its overall effectiveness* (if you're lucky plenty, you lot might shred through waves of enemies with it).

*This ability is comparable to shooting 1 boosted arrow every 4th shot which effectively boosts the bow's overall DPS by 25%!

Note: If you desire an ultimate anti-undead weapon, by all ways, pick the Death Bow. We have decided to feature its younger blood brother as it's quite a lot cheaper and thus much more relevant for newer players who frequently must rely on keeping their distance from enemies.

Magma Bow
Magma Bow

Stats and Special Furnishings

  • Damage - 100
  • Forcefulness -  100
  • Intelligence -none
  • Boosted Effect - Consumes 1 Magma Cream* per shot to deal double harm per shot.
  • Special Ability -none

*Magma Cream can be obtained from Magma Cubes and is a common collection object. Magma Cube Minion is a practiced source of these, they are too very inexpensive on the Boutique (~550 Coins per stack).

Considering of the Double Damage buff from Magma Cream, this bow can get very ridiculous, very quickly. It is also rather cheap and often regarded equally simply broken if properly upgraded. Nosotros accept decided to put it on the listing but considering of its inexplainable damage potential.

To assistance you realize how powerful this bow is, here is a lilliputian tidbit - It deals more Damage than the Super Undead Bow deals to Undead, and we've already established that Super Undead Bow can demolish Undead with its harm. In fact, the merely Bow that can deal more harm per shot than Magma Bow is the Decease Bow, and Decease Bow will only deal more if its target is an Undead.

Magma Bow is not fancy, nor information technology is especially fun to use, only information technology gets the job washed in the simplest and the most brutal fashion - it hits your enemies like a truck.

Runaan's Bow
Runaan'due south Bow

Stats and Special Effects

  • Damage - 160
  • Strength -  50
  • Intelligence -none
  • Additional Upshot -none
  • Special Ability - Triple Shot:
    • You shoot 3 arrows at a fourth dimension; the two actress arrows bargain twoscore% of the Bow'southward Damage.

Runaan's Now is the most iconic ranged weapon in Hypixel SkyBlock and information technology deserves a mention for that fact alone. If nosotros add the fact that it as well has one of the strongest on-utilize abilities of any ranged weapon - the Triple Shot, it becomes a must-have addition to the listing. Likewise, it is extremely cheap for what it does...

Arrows shot with the Runaan's Bow Triple Shot all aim towards the target, even without the aiming Enchantment, which makes it 1 of the most reliable and versatile ranged weapons in the game. Moreover, the two actress arrows deal a full of +eighty% Damage, making the Runaan's Bow feasible in every scenario. No wonder that every seasoned thespian seems to have it and prefers it over whatsoever other high-cease Bow.

Annotation: Despite its "Legendary" quality, Runaan's Bow is actually very cheap to arts and crafts - it costs just around 420k Coins to brand.

Spirit Bow
Spirit Bow

Stats and Special Effects

  • Damage - 210
  • Strength - 100
  • Intelligence -  none
  • Additional Upshot -multiple
    • It is a Spirit Weapon and thus it tin be used equally an power while expressionless within of a Dungeon.
    • Deals +2% Damage to Undead Monsters for every one% of your missing health (this event is capped at +198% Damage at 1% remaining for an obvious reason).
  • Special Ability - Spirit Bomb (usable while being a ghost):
    • Shoots a spirit that deals 8000 Harm on impact.

This is a Spirit Weapon which makes it ideal in situations where you, well... have fallen over dead before the fight was over just however wanted to be somewhat helpful to your teammates. For this reason, and because it is a very stiff Bow overall, the Spirit Bow easily makes our list.

Exterior of Dungeons, Spirit Bow is a quite reasonable Weapon but it gets outshined by both Runaan's and Magma Bows. Inside the dungeons, however, it is very strong because of its handy bonus damage to Undead and its "Spirit Detail" holding that is, well... not that expert merely much better than nothing.

The Best Armor Sets

Ender Armor
Ender Armor

Stats and Special Effects

  • Defense - 170 (C - 60, L - 50, H - 35, B - 25)
  • Wellness - 95 (C - 30, L - 25, H - xx, B - fifteen)
  • Speed - none
  • Additional Effect - All Statistics granted by this Armor Set are doubled while in the Stop Island; this effect works on Reforges, Enchantments, and Hot Potato Books
  • Wearing a total Ready grants:
    • Due north/A

*C - Chest, L - Legs, H - Helmet, B - Boots

This is the all-time of the so-called "early game armors", so it well-deserves a mention. Besides, it is one of the Armors everybody remembers and respects as every single veteran histrion was using it at some point.

The best thing virtually this Set is the fact that all its Stats are doubled when you lot enter the Terminate Isle (making it much amend than another, much more expensive armor sets while you remain on the Terminate Isle). This means that Reforging information technology and calculation a few Enchants will make yous quite powerful while in the zone, without too much of an investment.

Skilful stats for the toll make Ender Armor 1 of the near pop Sets amongst the new players and thus information technology finds a spot on our list (as an honorable mention if nothing else).

Strong Dragon Armor
Strong Dragon Armor

Stats and Special Effects

  • Defense - 500 (C - 160, L - 140, H - 110, B - 90)
  • Wellness - 350 (C - 120, Fifty - 100, H - lxx, B - threescore)
  • Strength - 100 (C - 25, L - 25, H - 25, B - 25)
  • Speed -  none
  • Wearing a total Set grants: the Strong Blood buff that improves the Aspect of the Cease by:
    • adding +75 Base Harm to it
    • Increasing the Teleport Altitude past 2 Blocks
    • Increasing Speed Heave duration by three seconds
    • Providing +five Strength on the ability cast

This is one of the near affordable mid-to-belatedly game Armors that has stats comparable to the Superior Dragon Armor which is much more expensive. Moreover, it makes the Aspect of the End much amend, and everybody loves that weapon, so information technology deserves some bonus points.

If y'all pair Strong Dragon Armor Set with a Warped Aspect of the End, yous will end upwards with one of the cheapest* late-game-viable Armor/Weapon combinations in the game. If you're on a budget, you lot simply won't get anything meliorate (and what yous volition become - so this combo - is really very adept). For this reason, the Prepare hands makes it to the Best Armors list.

*A Full Strong Dragon Armor fix will cost y'all about 2.9kk Coins to craft, which is ~10x less than the cost of a total Superior Dragon Armor Set. Warped Aspect of the End is more expensive, but it is possible to become it on the AH for ~10-12kk which means that the Armor/Weapon philharmonic volition price you one-half the cost of the Superior Dragon Set.

Note: It is a great upgrade over the Ender Armor, and a logical adjacent progression step, so you lot might desire to go information technology if you're still wearing an Ender Set.

Shadow Assassin Armor
Shadow Assassin Armor

Stats and Special Effects

  • Defence - 330 (C - 110, L - 95, H - 70, B - 55)
  • Health - 735 (C - 240, L - 210, H - 160, B - 125) /775 With Livid Fragments
  • Strength -100 (C - 25, 50 - 25, H - 25, B - 25) /120 With Livid Fragments
  • Critical Harm - +100 (C - +25, L - +25, H - +25, B - +25)
  • Speed - +28 (C - +7, L - +7, H - +7, B - +seven) /+32 With Livid Fragments
  • Wearing a full Prepare grants: Shadow Assassin:
    • Yous Collect the shadows of slain enemies increasing your Forcefulness by +1 for every kill, this result lasts for the whole dungeon and resets after yous exit it.

When upgraded with a Livid Fragment, each piece of Shadow Assassinator Armor will grant additional 10 Health, 5 Forcefulness, and +i% Speed. It volition likewise change its rarity to Legendary.

This gear up of armor has some of the most impressive stats in the game and is the 2d-best Armor Set up for the Berserker (backside the Necron'due south Armor). It is also quite cheaper than its main competitors, which secures it a strong identify on the listing.

Shadow Assassin Armor is not merely very strong out of the box, but it also becomes even stronger with each kill you make while in a Dungeon*. When compared to its chief competitor, the Maxor's Armor, it wins on Damage but loses on Defense; it also costs less. Moreover, each piece of the fix will give you a buff after you use a Teleport ability (such every bit AotE'southward Instant Transmission, or Silent Expiry's Shadowstep) - Chestplate provides +10 Strength for 10s, Legs heal one for one% of their Wellness, Boots give +ten Mana, and the Helmet provides 10s of Invisibility and +xx Speed. If y'all are looking for an offensively-oriented finish-game armor set merely don't want to overpay, Shadow Assassinator is a keen selection.

*The increase will not be very high, most of the time, just every little scrap helps.

Maxor's Armor
Maxor's Armor

Stats and Special Effects

  • Defense - 370 (C - 120, Fifty - 105, H - 80, B - 65)
  • Wellness - 815 (C - 260, L - 230, H - 180, B - 145)
  • Intelligence -45 (C - x, L - x, H - 15, B - 10)
  • Critical Impairment - +120 (C - +30, Fifty - +xxx, H - +30, B - +30)
  • Speed -  +120 (C - +thirty, L - +30, H - +30, B - +xxx)
  • Additional Consequence: Each Maxor's Armor piece you wear reduces the damage you accept from Withers by 10%.
  • Wearing a full Prepare grants: Witherborn:
    • Yous spawn a Wither Minion every 30 seconds (this effect is capped at 1 Wither Minion). Spawned Wither Minions seek nearby enemies and explode upon touching them.

This speed-oriented gear up is highly competitive in the finish-game, but it falls behind in the damage section as information technology does non provide whatever Strength; high Crit Impairment makes upwardly for that a bit, though. Overall, Maxor's Armor is a good "budget" selection if you lot can't afford Necron's Armor and prefer actress Crit and Speed over extra Damage y'all would get from Shadow Assassin Armor.

Maxor's Armor is in a strange place. On one side, its stats are quite formidable - information technology provides astonishing survivability, exceptional Speed*, and a very high Crit Damage boost, only on the other, it falls behind in the virtually important aspect - overall Harm output. Despite its drawback, it however is a very strong adapt of armor and it has one affair going for it - it costs over 40kk less than Necron'south Armor.

*Each of the Maxor's Armor pieces has a very high bonus to speed and thus can be used alongside other Armors for that extra speed heave.

Storm's Armor
Tempest'due south Armor

Stats and Special Effects

  • Defense force - 370 (C - 120, L - 105, H - 80, B - 65)
  • Health - 815 (C - 260, L - 239, H - 180, B - 145)
  • Intelligence - 1150 (C - 250, L - 250, H - 400, B - 250)
  • Wearing a full Set grants:Witherborn:
    • You spawn a Wither Minion every 30 seconds (this effect is capped at 1 Wither Minion). Spawned Wither Minions seek nearby enemies and explode upon touching them.

With 1150 base bonus Intelligence, this fix is currently the best armor for mages in Hypixel SkyBlock - and it deserves a spot on the best items listing for that solitary.

The main drawback of Storm'due south Armor is a relatively low effective HP* (if you tin even say that about a set that gives +815 Health and +370 Defence in total). It is best used with Mage weapons every bit its incredibly high Intelligence bonus really makes them polish - pair it with a Hyperion or fifty-fifty a Midas Staff and yous volition see the world burn before your very eyes. Many players supercede the set's Helmet for something that boosts damage to Undead, to increase the damage output in Dungeons - Wither Googles are neat for this purpose as you sacrifice the to the lowest degree Intelligence with them.

*This fits the "Mage" archetype quite well if you ask the states. A Mage should exist glass cannon; very dangerous, merely as well extremely fragile and reliant on positioning and teammates.

Necron's Armor
Necron's Armor

Stats and Special Effects

  • Defence - 450 (C - 140, L - 125, H - 100, B - eighty)
  • Health - 815 (C - 260, L - 230, H - 180, B - 145)
  • Forcefulness - 160 (C - xl, L - twoscore, H - 40, B - forty)
  • Intelligence -threescore (C - 10, L - 10, H - thirty, B - 10)
  • Critical Impairment - +120 (C - +30, L - +30, H - +xxx, B - +30)
  • Boosted Event: Each Necron's Armor slice you lot wear reduces the impairment you lot take from Withers by ten%.
  • Wearing a full Prepare grants: Witherborn:
    • You spawn a Wither Minion every 30 seconds (this result is capped at 1 Wither Minion). Spawned Wither Minions seek nearby enemies and explode upon touching them.

This is the All-time Armor in Hypixel SkyBlock for the Berserk Grade; it provides very high effective Wellness and an astonishing damage heave, merely it does not requite any Speed. While extremely powerful, it is also extremely pricy and currently holds the title of the near expensive armor set in the game.

Necron'due south Armor outshines other sets tailored for a Berserker in about aspects, including the about of import 1 - Damage output. Wearing information technology turns the thespian into a real combat machine, but the gear up is not without its bug - it does not provide any increment to Speed and merely gives a very small boost to Intelligence. Moreover, only seeing its price tag might make players determine that Shadow Assassinator Armor might be a amend choice for them after all. Nonetheless, if you desire the best ready in that location are no other real choices, just mere substitutes.

The Best Accessories

Ender Artifact
Ender Artifact

Stats and Special Effects

  • Special Upshot - While you have this in your inventory or your Accessory Bag, yous receive 20% Less Harm from Endermen, Endermites, and Ender Dragons.

Preparing your freshly-made character for their first trip to The Finish Isle can exist quite catchy - if yous want to survive there, at least. With this Artifact, your chances of survival in The End Island greatly improve. There are more popular Accessories present, but this one is a truthful classic that notwithstanding remains immensely powerful.

We all have memories of going to The Stop Island for the start time and existence smashed by its unwelcoming inhabitants. If only nosotros had the Coins to beget the Ender Artifact dorsum then... This powerful accessory costs about vii-10kk Coins on the Dark Auction and somewhere around 13kk on the Auction House. For that price, we get an impressive survivability boost that will permit us to hold our ground against Ender Dragons, so there's no doubt that information technology is worth information technology.

Potion Affinity Artifact
Potion Affinity Antiquity

Stats and Special Furnishings

  • Special Effect - While you lot have this in your inventory or your Accessory Pocketbook, it increases the duration of whatever consumed potions by fifty%.

Extremely inexpensive for what it does, this Artifact will repay itself in no time. Considering of its amazing upshot, information technology is ane of the Accessories everybody should get as soon as possible.

We like saving money and the Potion Analogousness Artifact saves us a lot of it. In fact, it saves 1/3 of the total potion costs a player suffers* which can amount to millions of Coins surprisingly quickly if ane were to use some of the more expensive ones. Considering of its incredible money-saving potential, we believe that Potion Affinity Artifact is one of the best items in Hypixel SkyBlock and nosotros tin't imagine the game without it (and it costs ~125k Coins to brand which is shut to cipher if yous have what it does into account).

*It increases Potion'south duration by l%, and then ii potions used with it will final for as long as iii potions used without it (2x150% = 3x100%), which ways that yous salve 1/3 of your potions with it in your handbag.

Intimidation Artifact
Intimidation Artifact

Stats and Special Effects

  • Special Effect - While you have this in your inventory or your Accessory Bag, Monsters at or below Level 25 will no longer target yous.

There is nothing more annoying than being harassed by a bunch of low-level mobs that do not pose whatever real threat but still manage to block your way. Constantly. Thanks to the Intimidation Antiquity, this is no longer a trouble (at least to some extent) and for this reason, information technology is ane of the best and the virtually useful accessories in the game.

This Artifact is extremely cheap to make for what it does as making your life easier is somewhat priceless. All the same, many players don't realize just how useful it really is, equally once yous first using information technology, you get used to it very fast; if you want to really capeesh how expert the Intimidation Artifact is, try taking it off for some time.

The only problem with the Intimidation Artifact is the fact that information technology tin can only be obtained during the Spooky Festival which limits the window for getting it past quite a lot (it's obtainable for an hour one time every few days) and raises its price by a scrap. Alternatively, information technology tin can be but bought from the Sale House, only it'south mostly not worth it because of the inflated cost.

Note: If yous like this Accessory, one of the items featured a flake further in the article might interest you very much...

Personal Compactor 7000
Personal Compactor 7000

Stats and Special Furnishings

  • Special Outcome - While you have this in your inventory or your Accessory Bag, information technology automatically turns sure materials in your inventory into their enchanted form. Information technology has 12 Slots.

This accessory saves you a lot of inventory space and time when you're farming or grinding. Yous don't actually need the 7000, but it is the best i then it gets a spot on our list.

Inventory optimization is very important if y'all want to achieve high Coins/Hour ratios when farming, for example. When it comes to it, there are no amend inventory optimizers than Personal Compactors, and the featured one is the all-time amongst them. It is rather expensive, compared to its younger brothers, equally it costs ~seven.4kk in total, of which three.6kk is the cost of upgrading to it from the PC 6000*.

*In comparison, Personal Compactor 6000 costs ~3.7kk in total, and upgrading to it from PC 5000 simply costs 1.8kk Coins.

Hegemony Artifact
Hegemony Antiquity

Stats and Special Effects

  • Special Effect - Any Reforges applied to this Artifact double their stat value*.

*Enrichments are not affected.

Information technology is 1 of the items that are unbelievably powerful but not actually worth their price... notwithstanding, we feel that it must exist mentioned as it is definitely one of the best accessories in Hypixel SkyBlock.

Hegemony Antiquity is a Legendary Accessory, only available through the Dark Auction, and only while Scorpius is the current mayor. While it does non have any bonuses on its own, it doubles all Reforge stats added to it which makes it extremely powerful when Reforged. Because of its price, information technology's a late-game particular used mostly by the filthy-rich and min-maxers who want to make the most out of every piece of equipment they can go their hands on.

The Best Items*

*Which do not fit any of the three previous sections.

Snow Minion
Snowfall Minion

Stats and Special Effects

  • Special Effect - Collects and produces Snowballs.

This might seem like the weirdest choice then far, but we have skillful reasoning; These Minions are extremely cheap to upgrade* (only ~150k Coins in total for Tier I to Tier Xi upgrade), they brand a lot of money when equipped properly, and they are the all-time source of Mining Experience.

*Merely ~150k Coins in full for Tier I to Tier Eleven upgrade. In comparison, to upgrade a Dirt Minion from Tier I to Tier 11, yous will need ~500k Coins.

If you are looking for a Minion that volition generate a solid amount of Coins every solar day, regardless of the market situation, Snowfall Minion is the best selection. To make the almost out of it, equip it with Diamond Spreading**, Super Compactor 3000, a Large Minion Storage, and an Enchanted Lava Bucket.

**Snowfall Minion occasionally produces 4 Diamonds, instead of the standard 1, with Diamond Spreading (because it produces 4 Snowballs every tick and Diamond Spreading gives 1 Diamond for every ten items harvested, on average). In fact, Snow Minions are better at creating Diamonds than Diamond Minions Are.

Note: Snow Minions are a rare drop from opening the Gifts from the Jerry's Workshop effect, which is their only downside pretty much.

Rancher's Boots
Rancher's Boots

Stats and Special Effects

  • Defense - seventy +ii/Farming Level (190 Max at Farming 60)
  • Health - 100
  • Speed - 50 +4/Farming Level (290 Max at Farming 60)
  • Special Outcome -They have two:
    • Farmer'southward Grace: Crops don't trample under your feet.
    • Farmer's Speed: Yous can freely adapt your Speed Cap by left-clicking these boots.

These Boots provide an insane Speed Boost and a rather solid Defense Boost. Moreover, the ability to freely alter your speed cap is immensely useful in many situations, and then these fully deserve a mention.

Rancher's Boots are bigger brothers of Farmer Boots. They are over 12x more expensive than their little brothers, but we say they are worth every penny. With them, you are able to precisely accommodate your speed, and by that, you can optimize your farming efficiency in a manner unachievable otherwise. Also, if you desire to become a speed demon, wearing these (provided you lot accept a Farming Level of 60) volition singlehandedly do the job.

Parrot Pet
Parrot Pet

Stats and Special Furnishings

  • Intelligence - 100/100 (Epic/Legendary at level 100)
  • Crit Damage - ten/10 (Epic/Legendary at level 100)
  • Additional Effects - It has Two:
    • Flamboyant: Adds fifteen/20 Levels (Epic/Legendary at level 100) to Intimidation Accessories.
    • Echo: Boosts Potions Elapsing by 40% (at level 100; the same percent for Ballsy and Legendary).
    • Bird Discourse (Legendary Simply): +30 Forcefulness to players within 20 Blocks (this issue does not stack).

This Pet adds fifteen to 20 levels (Ballsy/Legendary) to your Intimidation Talisman and +40% to your potions' duration, what else do you need to know...?

Parrot Pet It is a combination of two very powerful Accessories that were already featured on the list (the Intimidation Artifact and the Potion Affinity Artifact) and is completely broken when combined with them*.  As if it was not enough, it also provides quite a lot of Intelligence and a handy Strength buff.

*Level 100 Legendary Parrot Pet combined with Intimidation Artifact prevents most Monsters from attacking you... also, nearly doubled Potion Duration time that results from combining information technology with the Potion Affinity Antiquity volition save you lot insane amounts of Coins in the long run.

Grappling Hook
Grappling Hook

Stats and Special Furnishings

  • Special Effect - Information technology allows you to grapple to a block inside a certain radius and pull yourself towards it.

One of the most commonly used, most commonly loved, and the well-nigh iconic items in Hypixel SkyBlock.

Once you obtain the Grappling Hook, you volition not be able to even imagine playing without it. It is not only extremely fun to use, only it too allows you to reach otherwise unreachable places - finding Fairy Souls and Dungeon Secrets becomes much easier with the Grappling Hook. For an item this useful, it is laughably cheap and piece of cake to get - information technology'south unlocked with the String Collection VII and made with two Sticks and 3 Enchanted Strings (576 normal Strings).


Stats and Special Effects

  • Special Effect - Breaks a large number of logs in a single hit. The effect has a ii seconds Cooldown.

This Epic Golden Axe is able to break upward to 35 connected Wood Blocks at once, which means that it cuts down almost copse in a unmarried stroke - that's what nosotros call efficiency.

Equally far as tools go, this ane is a must-have as information technology speeds up the forest gathering process immensely. Just Enchant this bad boy with Efficiency V and Haste Three, and y'all will create a tool that volition break ANY tree, log, or plank in a single stroke. There are no better tools for farming your Woods Collections apace than this one.

Note: Treecapitator is unlocked via the Obsidian Drove 8 and costs effectually 1.5kk to make (the recipe requires i Jungle Axe and 512 Enchanted Obsidian).

Finish NOTE

There are a lot more than great items in Hypixel SkyBlock and the ones featured above are but the tip of the iceberg - we are already thinking almost expanding the list.

We hope that you have establish this guide useful and informative. If you liked it and want the states to add more guides such as this one, please let us know! Too, we volition exist happy to receive constructive criticism that will help us amend our future work so leave your suggestions in the comments section beneath.

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual belongings of Hypixel.


How to Get Good Gear in Hypixel Skyblock UPDATED

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